

AmiCorp is the largest of the Mega-Corporations. Their corporate headquarters is on Earth's Moon, where they own the Armstrong Dome. They also have a presence on Earth, Mars, Io and several other locations beyond the Sol System. AmiCorp specialize in Computer Hardware, such as the Ami6000 series processor, and the main operating system, AmiOS, which is in use by 97% of computers today. These are manufactured mainly on AmiCorp Prime, a large asteroid owned by AmiCorp. They are also manufactured at AmiCorp's corporate headquarters.

Since the Corporate wars, it has been suspected that AmiCorp has been developing and purchasing warships.

AmiCorp first emerged in the late 20th century, providing a system that was unaffected by the Millennium "Bug". By doing this Picosoft lost over half of their 85% stake in the micro computer industry.

In 2025 AmiCorp introduce a revolutionary piece of software, called PROJECT:MIRAGE. An operating system which connected the machine it was installed to the Internet, and a vast network, exclusive to AmiCorp, where the user is provided with instant access to interactive Shopping, Entertainment and information

During the Korhonen Wars AmiCorp started producing computer systems design for use in combat ships. They also produced agile fighter craft and other military hardware.After the Korhonen Wars AmiCorp started producing civilian craft and cargo ships. By 2105 they were the largest of a new breed of Mega-Corporations.

In 2117 AmiCorp set up a research station on Proxima 3, where they discovered large amounts of Hyspiridan60, the material essential in construction of jumpgates. Trade boomed, AmiCorp now had a foothold in 3 major industries:

In 2203, after a series of attacks by raiders on rival corporations, AmiCorp was accused of sponsoring raiders and mutant factions to attack its rivals. Although these allegations were never proved it created a rift between AmiCorp and the other Mega-Corporations. On May 11th 2239 AmiCorp CEO Morgan Tyler completed a deal with military contractors MicroTRONics, to provide a small fleet of 25 highly agile escort vessels. Other corporations saw this as a prelude to military conflict. Fearing invasion Picosoft and Alpha Industries sponsored Rahn Factions to attack the AmiCorp ships. In the resulting dogfight CEO Tyler was killed.

On May 12th Eddie Collins was appointed CEO of AmiCorp. After investigating the attack Collins learned of the involvement of other corporations. He then ordered more Heavy Escort vessels. By September 2239 AmiCorp had over 100 ships. Collins ordered attacks on other corporations. The corporate wars had begun.....

Collins Encyclopedia Galactica - All Contents © Eddie Collins , Chris Page & Rob Asumendi